Contact Us
You can contact by calling in on our customer service phone line, talking to someone via Live chat (quick & easy), or emailing our customer service team. Below we have listed our contact information:

You'll find our Live Chat throughout the website in the bottom-right corner of your browser window. Look for the blue speech bubble. OFFICIAL HOLIDAYS
Order Today, Ships Today - offer does not apply on these days. Orders placed on these days will ship out the following business day.
Please note: the following business day may not be the next calendar day if the holiday falls before or on a weekend.
New Year’s (observed) - January 2, 2023
Memorial Day - May 29, 2023
Independence Day - July 4, 2023
Labor Day - September 4, 2023
Thanksgiving Day - November 23, 2023
Christmas Day - December 25, 2023
Contact Info
Tel: (800) 494-5850
Fax: (810) 626-4791
Mailing Address:8000 Haskell Avenue
Van Nuys, CA 91406
Customer Service Hours (Eastern Time):Monday - Friday: 9 am - 8 pm
Saturday: 10 am - 2 pm
Sundays and Holidays: Closed
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